

Get ready to feel less tightness and increase your athletic performance in the saddle.

Work on your mobility with us.

Designed for equestrians that wish to enhance their athletic performance in the saddle and move with greater joint range of motion.

Greater range of motion will result in better and more effective riding aids. Feeling stiff in the saddle but don’t know what to do?

You won’t regret adding this program to your routine.

The only Mobility Program with an Equestrian focus.

Why Mobility?

Why do I need to work on my mobility?

Mobility training is important for equestrians, not just for their riding, but for their everyday movements. If your joints are stiff and your range of motion is compromised, your mobility is restricted and your chances of sustaining injuries during your ride is heightened.

What is the difference between flexibility and mobility?

Mobility is not the same as flexibility. Flexibility is the muscles ability to stretch and lengthen, and mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through its range of motion. Flexibility is an important component of mobility, as you need to have flexible muscles in order to move your joints, but you also need good muscle strength and stability in order to have good mobility. Being extremely flexible does not mean that you have good mobility. One with extreme flexibility can have little to no strength or stability, which can lead to poor mobility.

How will improved mobility help my riding?

Riding is a multi-joint, full body sport and we are using multiple different joints at the same time while on horseback. If any of the joints lack mobility we may develop tight muscles that try to compensate for the lack of mobility.

Working on your mobility can also help you give better and more precise cues to your horse! For example, if you lack mobility in your hips, it may be difficult for you to bring your leg back behind the girth and thus give your horse the wrong cues!


  • 3 Different Mobility Routines each week

  • Equestrian focused

  • Each routine includes a dynamic warm up

  • FULL BODY routines

  • 15-19 minute routines

  • Equipment free

Mobility Programs